When you're looking for a new website, there's likely a lot of things on your mind. But the relationship with your designer or developer usually isn't one of them. Which is unfortunate, because having the right client/provider dynamic is crucial to the success of a project. If you don't quite "mesh" ... Read More
Apps & Tools My Business Couldn’t Live Without
Working for yourself is hard, man. Even at the best of times, I often find myself floundering to keep everything on track. On top of actually, you know, developing websites, it's my job to schedule & attend meetings, write proposals, send invoices, and provide support. It's amazing, but at times ... Read More
My 2017 Goals Were Bad. Here Are My 2018 Goals.
When I think about it, 2017 was a really transformative year for my business. I started out the year freelancing under my own name, but in April I signed all the paperwork and re-branded as Overlock Design Company, LLC. Since then, I've been working on honing my brand, teaching myself new skills, ... Read More